For Authors



Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy of Kazakhstan (further-the Journal) - is an open-access peer-reviewed online journal specializing in medicine, pharmacy, and healthcare The issues are published quarterly in March, June, September and December.  The journal is funded and published by the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. Materials of researchers working in the field of Medicine and pharmacy in English, Kazakh and Russian are welcome.


The purpose of the journal is to help scientific authors from Kazakhstan and other countries open the way to the world of Science, plan their research, taking into account relevant aspects of the ethics of research and publications. The editorial staff of the magazine promotes published works through accessible open access platforms and social media channels to attract the attention of a global audience and promote the further development of authors.


The journal's scope of interest covers research topics related to medicine and pharmacy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries. The priority is the materials in which new and evidence-based approaches to the consideration of theoretical and practical problems of the study of diseases, drug therapy, health care and medical education are presented.


The editorial staff of the journal consists of highly qualified researchers, research managers and journal editors who are ready to help authors publish valuable and potentially useful articles.


Responsible editors make every effort to establish fruitful relationships with global indexing services and professional communities in order to increase the popularity of published works.


Requirements for publications

Conflict of interests (form)

Example of an article


Article types


NB!To submit an article, you need to register and log in.


The article passes through the anti-plagiarism system, if the percentage is higher than 70, then the article passes to the next stage and no fee is charged. If the percentage of originality is less than 70, then the article is sent for revision and the next passage through the anti-plagiarism system will cost 1500 tenge.


It should be noted that if the percentage of originality is less than 50, the article is not automatically accepted and prohibited for further use (gets blacklisted, the author who used the article  again will be punished)!!!


The Journal publishes the following types of articles: narrative reviews with search strategies, systematic reviews, expert opinion, original research, case studies with extensive literature reviews (case-based reviews), interviews with experts, meeting reports, letters, and video articles. Review articles presenting a new hypothesis should contain the following sections: 1. General knowledge about the topic; 2. Available evidence on the topic; 3. Working hypothesis; 4. Plan for further research and implementation.      


The Journal editors encourage its authors to familiarize with the following documents prior to the submission of their manuscripts:



Language, preparation and formatting of manuscripts


Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy of Kazakhstan - multilingual journal. However, well-processed materials in English or American English have the potential to attract the attention of researchers from other countries in the region and beyond, as well as strengthen the cooperation of researchers in the field of research and academic activities. Mixing of language styles in one article is not allowed. Authors are responsible for ensuring high-quality editing of their manuscripts. The editors of the journal check the readability of the submitted materials. Based on the results of the review, editors may recommend editing with authors/their editors before submitting to reviewers, or refuse to work on the basis of poor readability. The magazine does not offer any type of editing services.


When editing their manuscripts, authors should avoid copying any sentences or large fragments of text and graphics from previously published works. They should also provide links to the most important literary sources, primarily those from interdisciplinary bibliographic databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. A reference to each scientific fact requires the indication of at least one source. In addition, several examples of similar links (more than 3) are unacceptable. It is recommended to refer to primary sources of literature, not secondary ones. The authors are advised to adhere to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).


The Journal requires citing and referencing in line with the Vancouver style and guidance of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The following tips on citing are also helpful.


How to cite and format reference lists


References are cited in the text numerically in square brackets (e.g., [1, 2, 3]) and presented at the end of the manuscript in chronological order – those cited first are listed at top of the list. The reference lists include only items discussed in the text. The authors should be familiar with contents of all cited items and ensure that all these items can be found in the Reference lists. 


Full bibliographic information on a reference should include author name(s), article title, source title as in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the US Catalog.


Bibliographic information on a journal article includes author’s surname followed by no more than 2 initials. If there is more than 1 author, all authors’ names should be separated by commas and spaces. For manuscripts with up to 6 authors, all authors should be listed. In a case of more 6 authors, the first 6 authors are listed and then et al. is added. Only the first word of the article title and words that normally begin with a capital letter are capitalized.


Examples of references:

  • • Journal article
    • Gasparyan AY, Akazhanov NA, Voronov AA, Kitas GD. Systematic and open identification of researchers and authors: focus on open researcher and contributor ID. J Korean Med Sci 2014;29(11):1453–1456.
  • • Book
  • • Hong GD, Kim C, Park J. JKMS Reference Style: a Guide for Authors. 5th ed. Seoul, Korea: Daehakro Press; 2017.
  • • Web source
  • • Read the Budapest Open Access initiative. [Updated 2002]. [Accessed April 16, 2019].


Tables should be sent in a separate file, in a Word format. Tips on Table formatting.


Figures should be presented at high resolution (at least 300 dpi), each one in a separate PowerPoint file. Tips on Figure formatting are presented.


The authors should avoid using abbreviations in the titles. Abbreviations in the text should be explained when mentioned first. Confusing abbreviations should be avoided (e.g., Open Access [OA], Osteoarthritis [OA]).


The manuscripts should consist of the following parts:




Structured abstract (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion)


Author keywords (preferably relevant 4-6 keywords from the Medical Subject Headings [MeSH]). The structured keywords can be retrieved at MeSH in PubMed.


ORCID iDs of all co-authors with full information about correct first, middle and last names, biographical notes, publications and other academic commitments




Main text


Author contributions in line with the ICMJE 4 authorship criteria




Conflicts of interest disclosures




Ethics approval and written informed consents statements






Figure legends


Research reporting guidelines to consult


While structuring their manuscripts, the authors are asked to consult the following main research reporting guidelines:







Editorial recommendations 


The editors of the Journal regularly consult recommendations of global editorial associations to revise their Journal editorial policies. The authors are also advised to familiarize with the following recommendations for improving the quality of the manuscripts and adhering to the updated ethical standards:


ICMJE recommendations

CSE’s White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications

Core practices (COPE)


Internal and external peer review policy


All submissions are checked by the Editor-in-Chief, scientific consultant, and at least 2 external reviewers prior to a publication decision. Reviewers are invited by the Editor-in-Chief based on their previous academic contributions and other characteristics. The reviewers should consider the following ethical guidelines.

The Journal operates double-blind peer review model (reviewer and author identities are blinded). The 1st round of the peer review lasts approximately 3 weeks.


Research ethics


The authors are required to report in the Methods section of their original research papers ethics approval protocol number, date and name of the approving institution. A statement about written informed consent should accompany any study involving humans. The ethics approval of a longitudinal and archival study should be dated prior to the start of the research.  Studies involving human subjects should meet the requirements of the WMA Declaration of Helsinki. The privacy of human subjects involved in the research studies should be observed. Case studies of patients should not disclose their identity. Animal experimentation requires adherence to globally recognized guidelines.


Authorship criteria and authors’ contribution details


The Journal editors endorse principles of integrity and visibility of pre- and post-publication communications presented by the Sarajevo Declaration on Integrity and Visibility of Scholarly Publications. In line with the Declaration, the authors are advised to register freely with the Open Researcher and Contributor iD (ORCID) and list their informative ORCID iDs in their submissions.


The following authorship criteria endorsed by the ICMJE are acceptable.


1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND

4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


Non-author contributions, particularly external language editing support and statistical analyses, require acknowledgements.


Conflicts of interest disclosures


The authors are responsible for full disclosures of any financial and non-financial conflicts of interest that may compromise the trustworthiness of their manuscripts. Related disclosure should appear before References of the manuscripts. The authors should familiarize themselves with the ICMJE statement on conflict of interest and submit along with the manuscript the filled conflict of interest forms for all co-authors.




Authors must provide detailed information about any sponsorship or funding related to their research and reviews.


Plagiarism and related preventive procedures


The editors check all submissions for text and graphics plagiarism using the following online platforms: iThenticateGoogle images. The authors of reviews will be asked to ensure that all parts of their manuscripts are free of any copied texts, graphics, and ideas. They will be also requested to add Disclaimer stating that no part of the manuscript is copied or published elsewhere.


Ethical considerations for duplicate and secondary publications and retractions


Submission of articles already published in whole or in part elsewhere is unacceptable. The editors may consider secondary (ethical) publication of highly valuable articles of great interest to the Journal readership (with official permissions of primary and secondary document publishers); the adherence to related guidance of global editorial associations will be considered


Corrections will be published by the editors in a case of detecting minor mistakes in the published articles. Major errors, lack of ethics approval for original research, substantive plagiarism, research misconduct, and other violations of research and publication ethics will require retractions in line with the retraction guidelines of the COPE.


Copyright and distribution licenses


The authors of the Journal retain copyright and allow the publisher to publish their manuscript as a primary article. All the published articles are licensed under the Creative Commons attribution license, which permits freely copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format, remix, transform, and build upon the material for commercial and non-commercial purposes. The authors may share and distribute their works provided a proper reference is given to the primary publication.


Open-access publication and charges


The Journal editors adhere to the latest recommendations on transparency and best practice open-access publishing. The following document is consulted on a regular basis for updating the journal website and editorial policies:


Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (updated January 2018).


The Journal employs the platinum open access model; there are no processing or publication charges for the authors. Our readers can access published articles freely. All contents are available fully and immediately upon publication.


The following landmark declarations are enforced by the Journal editors:




The Journal will be archived at digital repositories and reposited at the repository of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.


Promotion through social media channels


The authors are encouraged to reposit their published articles on ResearchGate and share related information through social media channels, particularly Twitter and Facebook.


Editorial independence


The Journal is funded by the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, its editorial office is located at: Al-Farabi square, 1/1, Shymkent 160019, South Kazakhstan; Tel: (87252) 39-31-41; email:


The editors, however, provide opportunities for publication of submissions from other academic institutions in other cities and countries. The article selection procedure is based on the quality, ethics and readability. The Journal editors’ independent editorial policy is fully in line with related statements of the World Association of Medical Editors (